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Well, that’s definitely not what I wanted to hear. I had hoped that I would get here and she’d tell me that the doctor was just being pessimistic. I guess it’s up to me to show both of them that I will dance again. Only difference is, I’ll be better than I ever was.
The more that I go to therapy, and have to work with Trina, the more pissed off I get. I don’t know why I let it bother me so much or why it affects me at all. It’s not that I think I’m fucking special, but I’m not usually this damn forgettable either. We’re on our fifth session together, and nothing, not even a hint that she remembers.
I thought the night we fucked was great and for me to say that, it had to be good. I’m usually the one forgetting the ladies, so for it to still be on my mind, that’s definitely saying something. It doesn’t matter though; she doesn’t have a clue about it. I’m to the point of reminding her though. There’s only so many hints that a man can give before he’s beaten around the bush enough.
Could I possibly be wrong? Could this not even be the woman I remember? I guess it’s possible, but I don’t think it’s likely. I didn’t have a drop to drink that night, so I’m sure that this is the woman that I was with.
“Okay, Dallas, just one more set, and then we’ll do the massage and ice before you go home.” Hell, the massage is the best part of all this shit. It’s the one thing that makes me not hurt like hell after doing all of this.
I can feel the sweat dripping down my back as I push through this last set. I may only be doing fifteen of each set, but by the time I get to the end, I can sure feel every bit of it.
“You’re doing excellent, Dallas, and I can tell that you are taking this serious. It shows with what you are doing here, that you are doing your at-home exercises as well. I have to remind you again, that no matter how much you want to improve, pushing yourself too hard will just do more damage. It’s important that you follow the guidelines.”
I try not to get angry, but this, on top of everything else, is just too much. “That’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one with bills to pay and itching to get back to work. This slow process is driving me fucking crazy.”
“Therapy takes time, and if you don’t go about it the way that you need to, it could make your recovery take even longer. I do know what I’m talking about, and whether you like it or not, you’re going to have to trust me on this.”
I follow Trina as she walks over to the massage table, wishing that she wasn’t wearing these damn scrubs so I could get a glimpse of her tight little ass. Her damn scrubs are going to drive me crazy. Knowing what is underneath is enough to fuck with my head. Today, she is wearing dark blue pants and a shirt that has little American flags all over it. I have yet to see the same ones more than once and wonder how many of these fuckers that she’s got.
Her hair is up, like usual, and I want to reach up and take it down just so I can see the long black locks flowing down her back. Actually, I’d rather have it down with a handful in my fist as I fuck her over one of these tables.
As she steps to the side, I climb up on the table and lie down. “I get what you’re saying, Trina, and I do trust your judgement, but I have to get back to work. Not just for myself, but for my mother; she depends on me to help her.”
I don’t like to tell anyone, even my closest friends, about how I sometimes struggle, but she needs to understand where I’m coming from, too.
Trina nods her understanding before commenting. “Is there something else that you can do at work for the time being? Something to where you can sit and rest a majority of the time? If that was possible, I see no issue with you going to work. There is just no way for you to stand for long periods of time, much less dance right now.”
Shrugging my shoulders, I think about what she has said. “I’m not sure. I’ll talk to Betty and see if there’s something. Maybe I could sit at the door and card people as they come in.”
I try to hold back my groan as she starts massaging my thigh. It’s a mix of pain and pleasure, starting with pain, but the more she rubs, it feels so fucking good. It’s a struggle to keep my dick under control, so that she doesn’t see a huge bulge in my shorts.
“Is your mother sick? Is that why she depends on you so much?” It’s an acceptable question, considering I’m the one who brought up my mother to begin with. Talking about my mom will surely help with the erection issue, too.
“She had a stroke not too long ago. She hasn’t been cleared to go back to work, and I’m not sure that she ever will. She has a nurse that stays with her to help her out and has to have somebody help with her bills and shit. I don’t mind doing it, not at all, but at the moment, I can’t. Hell, I can’t even pay my own right now.”
It’s not as bad as I let on. I’m doing okay. Pretty good considering how bad I could be doing. The only bills I have are electric and water, shit like that. My house, truck, and bike are all paid for, and I even have some money put aside in the bank. I don’t even like thinking about my bike, knowing that it is gone now just puts me in a bad mood. Waiting on the insurance check doesn’t help any because they sure aren’t getting in any hurry.
“She has her own doctor bills, and now I got plenty of my own, so the sooner I’m making money, the better.” Trina has finished with the massage but hasn’t moved from standing beside the table.
I glance over at her and see that she is staring at me with an expression that I don’t understand. It’s a mix between compassion and what almost looks like shock or fear.
“It’s very nice that you would do all that for your mother. There’s plenty of people that would just let her fend for herself. The fact that you are busting your ass to make sure she’s taken care of is amazing.”
She always has such a professional attitude, that after she says ass, a blush covers her cheeks. The look of embarrassment is clear on her face as she turns and walks away.
She comes back a couple of minutes later, her hands filled with the ice packs for my leg. “I’m sorry about that. There’s so many people that come in here that barely attempt to take care of themselves. Hearing how you are doing so much just took me by surprise or I would’ve never talked like that. Especially in front of a patient, that was totally unprofessional, and I apologize.”
As soon as she places the ice packs on my leg, I can’t hold back my wince. That shit is so damn cold on my aching muscles that it hurts.
When I finally catch my breath, I grab her hand before she has a chance to walk off again. “There’s no need to apologize. I’m the last person that you need to feel like you have to constantly be professional around. I’m sure, under the right circumstances, that I’d love to hear what kind of shit could come out of that mouth of yours.” I inwardly smile, knowing my forward comment will make her blush even more, but I don’t care. I already know how she is outside of work, and it was definitely something that I didn’t mind.
Trina looks down, but not before I catch the brightness of her cheeks. Yep. I knew it. She peers back up at me before seeing that our hands are still joined before pulling hers away. And just like that, she’s back to being professional. Clearing her throat, she says, “Leave the ice on for ten minutes, and then you’re done for the day. I’ll see you back here the day after tomorrow.”
She walks away without giving me the chance to say anything else and I know that that’s the end of our conversation. I missed my opportunity to remind her that she knows me, but I will soon enough.
I wait the ten minutes, then take off the ice packs, laying them to the side. Getting up from the table, I make sure to stand with my good leg first, hoping that it’s not something that I will constantly have to do and make my way to the door.
I see Jag standing at the group of floor-to-ceiling windows, waiting for me. I’m not sure if he was there the whole time or not, but if he was, and seen me and Trina, I’m sure to hear about it. He never misses an opportunity to bust my balls.
I’ve barely walked out the door before
he’s slapping me on the shoulder. Looking over at him, I see the fucking grin on his face and know that he’s about to fuck with me.
“I seen you strike out with the hottie in there; did you lose all of your skills in that accident, or what?”
I’m not using the crutches anymore since the exercises are at least helping with that. I’m nowhere near as fast as I used to be, but some progress is better than none at all. There’s not much to do but hobble along beside him. Still, there’s no way, that I will let him know that I apparently struck out with her a long time ago. “Fuck you, Jag. I don’t need your shit today. For your information, I didn’t strike out. I was just getting her warmed up.”
Jag lets out a laugh as he opens the door and we head outside. “Whatever you say, man; that’s not what it looked like to me, but if that’s how you think you’re getting in her pants, well, then who am I to say anything.”
“I need to run by and talk to Betty before I go home, if you don’t mind.” Hopefully, changing the subject will give him the hint to drop the shit about Trina. I might as well take her advice and see how Betty can help me for the time being until I can get back to work. Who knows how much good it’ll do, but I’m willing to try anything.
I have been working hard at therapy and doing my exercises at home for a month now. I feel almost as good as new, but I know that I still have some work ahead of me. I may be getting around better, and can do more stuff, but I’m not to the extent that I need to be to dance.
Betty has been letting me come in, three nights a week, checking IDs at the door. There really is no point in it, considering she has someone for that job, but I’m grateful that she would let me work. It hasn’t really helped my mood though; being in the club and not being able to dance really fucks with my head.
It doesn’t help that I haven’t had any pussy in over a month either. Being how that’s all my fault, I can’t blame anyone but myself. Stacey has made herself available more than once, but after turning her down, she finally gave up.
My mother can now stay at home by herself, even though she can’t go to work or drive yet; not having to have someone there all the time has really helped. Stacey didn’t waste any time trying to fuck me after she found out she wasn’t going to be my employee anymore. Not that it had mattered to her before, so I don’t know what difference it made.
No matter what she tried though, I just wasn’t interested. Not to mention the fact that my dick wasn’t interested either. The damn thing barely got semi-hard; no matter the fact that it hasn’t had female contact, it wasn’t rising to the bait.
I would start to worry if it wasn’t for the fact that it works perfectly fine when I’m at therapy. Seems like I have a constant hard-on then. It would happen around the one person who has no interest whatsoever of fucking me, nor remembers fucking me before. Just proves that the dick wants what it can’t have.
My flirting has no effect on her, that’s been proven. I’m not sure if it’s because we are at her place of employment or what, but that’ll be figured out today. I made my appointment, the last one of the day. I want to see if she acts any different when there isn’t an audience around.
“Dallas, I’m ready if you are,” Trina says from the therapy room door. Her hair is in its usual knot, and today she has on light pink pants with a blue shirt covered in pink hearts. I almost want to laugh, but I know she’d think I was laughing at her and not at her odd choice of uniforms. Hell, I don’t have any right to judge; my work attire consists of tearaway clothes and tight as hell underwear.
Standing up, I start walking toward her. “I’m always ready for you.”
She acts like she didn’t hear me, but I know that she had to have. There’s no way that she couldn’t.
After walking into the room, I wait for her to tell me where she wants me. “Since you’ve been here a month now, I think we need to assess how you’re doing and see where we want to go next. You may be advanced enough to be able to move to the next level. We’ll know more after the assessment.”
I could tell her where I want to go next, but I don’t think that’s what she wants to hear. I will let her play this little game for a bit longer, but this charade ends today. I’m done being the only one who knows what happened between us. If she doesn’t remember, then she will get reminded. If she does, then I want an explanation on why she acts like it never happened.
We go through a few of the sets, her asking how I feel after each one. I notice how much of a change it is since the first time I did therapy, and I’m actually a little proud of myself.
“You have come a long way, Dallas, but you still have a ways to go. I know that you probably feel like you are close to being completely healed, but it is very important that you follow the doctors’ orders. Doing stuff on your own, too fast, could cause a major setback at this point.”
I definitely don’t want any setbacks; this shit is taking longer than I want as it is. “Now that you have made the assessment, how does it look in regard to me being able to go back to work?”
Trina looks at me for a moment without saying anything, which just causes my concern to grow even more.
Finally, when I don’t think I can stand it anymore, she answers me. “Although I know your biggest concern at the moment is going back to work, and I get that. I think you should instead, be concentrating on getting better. I have told you that from the beginning. That is the most important thing right now. I can’t tell you right now what the future holds for you. I don’t know, and I don’t want to tell you one thing, and then it turn out differently. You have to understand where I’m coming from here, too, and you have to trust in the process.”
I nod, knowing that she is right. I have been more concerned about going back to work than I have about anything else. I should be enjoying this little break that I’ve got.
“You’re right, Trina. I’m going to worry less about work and try to think of this as a little vacation.” I don’t know how easy it’s going to be, but I’m at least going to try.
“That’s a great way to look at it, Dallas. I’m going to get the stuff together for the massage and ice, but since we didn’t do as much today, we won’t spend as much time as we usually do on it.”
Well, that fucking sucks; the massage is the best part. I walk over and climb up on the table and wait for her to return.
She walks back over and sets the ice pack down on the table beside me and starts the massage. I know when her hands are on me, she’s just doing her job, but my dick doesn’t seem to understand that.
I don’t even care about the fact that her touch turns me on anymore. Who cares if she does notice? It’s about time that she noticed something about me other than the fact that I’m her patient.
Trina has only been massaging my thigh for a couple of minutes, and my dick is hard as fuck. She’s adverting her eyes, looking anywhere but at my cock. That’s not going to work for me; this game has gone on too long already.
Sitting up on the table causes her hands to drop away. I spin around, my legs hanging off the side with her in front of me. There is a look of shock on her face as she starts to back up. Reaching out, I grab her arms and pull her back to me, placing her sexy body between my legs.
“Dallas, what are you doing?” she asks, like she doesn’t already know.
“I think you know exactly what I’m doing. Something that should’ve been done a month ago,” I answer before moving my hand up to the back of her neck and pulling her to me.
She doesn’t resist as I put my lips on hers. My hand at her neck moves up, quickly releasing the clip holding her hair. As soon as the strands fall, my fingers are there, feeling the softness against my skin.
Kissing her a few times, I wait and see if she is going to pull away. When she doesn’t, I run my tongue against her lips, requesting entry. Her mouth barely opens, but it’s enough for me to slide my tongue inside.
The warmth of her mouth, the feel of her hair in my hand, and
the way her tongue is feuding with mine, causes a moan to slip out of my mouth. Moving my free hand from her arm, I run it down to the curve of her ass. I give her a massage of her own as I caress and squeeze the soft cheek.
Pulling her closer, I deepen the kiss and feel as her hands wrap around the back of my neck. She lets out a moan of her own before abruptly pulling away.
As I catch my breath, she backs away from me, stepping out of my grasp. Easing off the side of the table, I step up to her, looking into her beautiful blue eyes. “What’s the matter? Why did you pull away?”
Trina starts shaking her head. “What the hell was that? We can’t do that. We definitely can’t do that here, and even if we could, it’s not going to happen. You are my patient, and that is highly inappropriate.”
Giving her a slight shrug, I let her know that I’m not concerned with that shit. “What difference does it make that I’m your patient? Do I look like I’m the type to give a fuck about what’s appropriate and what’s not? I want you, and you want me, that’s what’s important here.”
“No, Dallas, that’s not what’s important here. My job is important, and if someone were to find out about this, I’d get fired.”
I can see the worry crossing her face as she looks around, making sure no one seen anything. Her flippant attitude pisses me off. I get that her job is important, don’t get me wrong, but she’s acting like what just happened was nothing. Yeah, it was only a kiss, but I’ve wanted her for a while now. My dick is almost crying now that I’ve had another taste of her, and she is just going to walk away.
Fuck this. I don’t have time for it. There’s plenty of pussy I could get; there’s no use in wasting my time here. I give her a little nod and walk away, heading straight for the door.